Code for Albania

2023 CFA Instructor Testimonial

I know this sounds cliche, but teaching with Code.X was a transformational experience for me! I taught content that I absolutely loved, made really good friends from a new country, and got to immerse myself in a new local culture for several weeks. I also had the flexibility to expand an already awesome curriculum, focusing on social justice and liberatory design. I would very strongly recommend Code.X to anyone who has no summer plans yet or whose summer plans unexpectedly freed up!

2020 CFA Instructor Testimonial

Code.X holds the potential for so much more than just teaching students in another country. Even in a virtual context, the decisions you make as an instructor entail unprecedented freedom to grow as a teacher that I hadn't experienced in assistant teaching roles prior. More than anything, the students blew me away with their diligence, thoughtfulness, and excitement. Truly fantastic!

2019 CFA Instructor Testimonial

Code.X was one of the most fun and gratifying experiences of my life. Both working with the fellow instructors and connecting with the students was an absolute dream. There's this feeling you get when, even within a two-week window, you see a student really grasp a new concept, or grow as a human being and change their mind, that is truly incomparable. Just do it.

2019 CFA Instructor Testimonial

Teaching Design Thinking in Albania for Code.X was one of the most gratifying experiences of my life. I learned so much every day from the kids, and, by the end, seeing the appreciation from the kids and their parents for this program made me feel like I was not only making a difference in these kids' & families' lives, but also in Albania as a whole. Seeing the kids' perspective change and grow just in the two weeks that we were with them is a magical experience.