Competitive Programming Training for Palestinian Students

Code.X provides instructor and curriculum development support for local partner Meshka’s 2024 Solve for Palestine initiative, the first-ever effort to provide free online competitive programming training for Palestinian high school students. Students receive free cohort-based remote training in competitive programming, algorithms, and problem-solving, with the goal of building local interest in competitive programming and supporting the West Bank’s ability to compete in the 2024 IOI competition.


About Solve for Palestine

Solve for Palestine began as a way to develop local school students and increase their awareness of important problem-solving skills. Solve for Palestine not only provides the basics of problem-solving, but improves student performance in regional and international contests such as the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) and the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO). Student participation is divided into 3 stages over 8 months.

  • Stage 1: Students learn about problem-solving skills, how they can be used for positive impact in daily life, and how they can benefit from using computers to solve problems. Students then progress into competitive programming, where they solve problems using coding. At the end of this one-month stage, students will know how to code, solve a simple problem, and use well-known training websites for competitive programming.

  • Stage 2: After learning the basics of problem-solving, qualified students will move on to Stage 2, studying advanced topics like algorithms and well-known problem-solving techniques. At the end of this three-month stage, students will be qualified to reach top ranks in national and regional contests.

  • Stage X: Students with a high level of prior training are eligible to receive four months of exclusive training from professional specialist coaches to develop their performance in international competitions.

Press & Media Coverage

  • “The Gazan teenagers defying war for competitive maths” (The Financial Times, 2024)

  • “Palestine at the International Olympiad in Informatics: Advancing Computational Thinking Among K-12 Students” (Olympiads in Informatics, 2024)

Our Local Partner


Meshka is a Palestinian EdTech initiative whose mission is to build complementary programs to reduce the gap in students' education. Meshka is under the umbrella of Palestine Polytechnic University and is run by a team of Palestinian professionals in the education and technology sectors that are focused on reforming the education system in Palestine.