Announcing Code from Home 2020!

Tell me more!

For 4 weeks over the summer (July 26, 2020 - August 22, 2020), Code.X is broadcasting a virtual version of our beginner’s content in the form of weekly webinars available to anyone on Earth, created for students age 13-15. Although our specialty is highly-focused, interactive, and immersed instruction, in light of the current pandemic we are working hard to create an effective digital version of our curriculum. We realize that this summer, given the online format, there is potential to reach a large number of students who may lack other educational resources while stuck at home.

How are you taking Code.X online?

We are moving our beginner curriculum in Introductory Programming online. The course will take the form of weekly webinars along with take-home activities or assignments. Due to the scale of the project, Code.X will be unable to provide 1:1 guidance on the assignments or lead the activities. However, we will enlist the help of local teaching assistants to co-facilitate small group activities and feedback.

So what exactly will I learn?

Computer Science:

Tools & Technologies: Python, Turtle


  • Introduction to Computer Science & Algorithmic Thinking

  • Variables

  • Randomness & Conditionals (if)

  • While & For Loops

  • Functions

  • Events & Listeners

  • Lists

Sounds great! How do we get involved?

If you are an organization looking to partner with Code.X:

We are looking to partner organizations to advertise the program to local students to get them excited. If you have the resources, you can also organize and facilitate local teaching staff to help students with the take-home activities and assignments. Beyond this, there is not much need for any costly investment. We primarily seek your help to catalyze awareness of this great opportunity to students in your region.

Additionally, we would love to have this collaboration be a step towards something greater: a pilot program or on-the-ground instruction in the near future. We are excited about the opportunity to build a relationship with your organization and your local students through this learning journey.

Please reach out to us at for further information.

If you are a student looking to study with Code.X:

We will stream our webinars live on YouTube over the summer. Simply join our live sessions and code with us! Stay tune for updates here on our website.

If you are an industry professional or educator looking to volunteer with Code.X:

Please reach out to us at for further information.