Archived Programs

Learn about Code.X’s past initiatives and global partners.

YouthCode-Gaza (2023)

YouthCode-Gaza is the 12-month adaptation of Code.X’s flagship 3-year program, run jointly with local Palestinian partner Amideast West Bank & Gaza. YouthCode-Gaza provides students with a unique approach to computer science, human-centered design, and project management fundamentals, taught by Code.X volunteers from top U.S. universities and tech companies. Our curriculum develops computational, creative, and critical thinking skills in youth, preparing them to become change agents in their communities. After three educational camps, students graduate from the program after presenting an entrepreneurial idea and mobile development prototype.

Tech-Talent (2023)

In 2023, Code.X provided Python and Design Thinking workshops for Tech-Talent, an annual entrepreneurial program facilitated by local Palestinian partner AlNayzak Organization. Code.X instructors taught rotating 4-day workshops with over 200 total students across Nablus, Ramallah, and Jerusalem, with an emphasis on individual student development and small group activities. Unlike Code.X’s flagship camp programs, our Tech-Talent workshop format prioritized broad student exposure to tech, design, and English presentation.

Code for Palestine (2015-2022)

Code.X held its pilot program in Palestine (West Bank & Gaza) from 2015 to 2022, with local partner PalTel Group Foundation. Each student cohort participated in the program for 24 months, with three overnight summer camps and intermediate yearlong instruction. Our first cohort of 20 students graduated from the full three-year program in the summer of 2017. By the end of the program, Code for Palestine graduated seven cohorts with 310 total students.

Code from Home (2020)

For 4 weeks in July and August 2020, Code.X and local Albanian partner alphaPlan broadcasted a virtual version of Code.X programming content in the form of broadly accessible weekly webinars, created for students age 13-15. The goal of Code from Home 2020 was to continue student educational support, engagement, and community-building through the highly distressing global pandemic, as many of our students reported feeling isolated and unengaged with schooling. At its peak, Code from Home had 400+ students logging in and engaging weekly for lectures and activities.